Causal Factors Affecting Loyalty in Purchasing Products Through The Makro Application in Bangkok and Its Vicinity
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The objectives of this research article were: 1) to validate the consistency of the causal factors affecting loyalty in purchasing products through the Makro application in Bangkok and its vicinity of consumers in Bangkok and its vicinity; and 2) to search for the causal factors affecting loyalty in purchasing products through the Makro application in Bangkok and its vicinity. The tools used in the research were online questionnaires. The sample group consisted of 390 people who had used to buy for the product on the Makro application in Bangkok and its vicinity. The statistics used in data analysis were the frequency, percentage, and structural equation model.
The results of the research showed that the causal relationship model of variables consisting of 4 components consisted of 1) service quality, 2) perceived value, 3) satisfaction, 4) loyalty and a model developed in accordance with empirical data. The statistics showed the Chi-square statistics goodness fit test (χ2) = 239.65, degrees of freedom (df) = 131, CMIN/df = 1.83, GFI = 0.94, AGFI = 0.90, SRMR = 0.03, RMSEA = 0.05. The final result was a predictive coefficient of 0.99, indicating that the variables in the model can explain loyalty in purchasing products through the Makro application by 99 percent, and service quality, perceived value, and satisfaction have a direct influence on customer loyalty, respectively.
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