Development of Instruction Supervision for Schools under Rayong Primary Education Service Area Office 1
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The article aimed to 1) study the level of instruction supervision for schools under Rayong Primary Education Service Area Office 1; 2) analyze the components influencing the instruction supervision for schools under Rayong Primary Education Service Area Office 1; and 3) develop a framework of instruction supervision for schools under Rayong Primary Education Service Area 1. The research was mixed method. The sample group consisted of a total of 435 people, consisting of school directors, teachers, and educational staff under Rayong Primary Education Service Area 1. Tools for research included a questionnaire, in-depth interview, and focus group. Quantitative data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, referential statistics, and structural equation model analysis, while qualitative data was analyzed with the analytical descriptive method.
The research showed that: 1) the level of instruction supervision for schools under Rayong Primary Education Service Area Office 1 was at the highest. 2) The components influencing school instruction supervision included (1) supervision mixed with vocational development, which had a direct influence on school instruction supervision. (2) Administrative supervision had a direct impact on the quality of instruction. (3) Supervision by administrators directly influenced supervision mixed with vocational development. Moreover, the model of instruction supervision for schools was relevant to empirical data. And 3) The framework of instruction supervision for schools under Rayong Primary Education Service Area 1 developed by the researcher was the PPTTM Model: Policy into Practice & Brainstorm Supervision Teaching Management Model.
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