Service Quality Factors Affecting Satisfaction of Marathon Participants: The Case of Small-Scale Marathon Events
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This article aimed to 1) study perceived service quality affecting satisfaction and 2) compare satisfaction of small-scale marathon events of marathon participants classified by gender, age, income, distance, and competition experience. This research was quantitative research and employed the questionnaire with a reliability value at 0.861. The data were collected from 440
small-scale marathon participants in Bangkok and Perimeter divided into 75 each province. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic to study frequency percentage mean and standard deviation and using inferential statistic consisting of t-test and F-test to compare satisfaction of participants with different groups. Furthermore, using Multiple Regression Analysis to study perceived service quality affects satisfaction.
The research results were found: 1) marathon participants with different groups of age and competition experience had satisfaction differently with the statistical significance at .05, F=2.452 and F=4.483. Moreover, service quality affected satisfaction of small-scale marathon participants with a statistical significance at .05 for facility, information, and outcome. There was only one interaction that did not affect satisfaction. All these factors had the potential to explain the effect on satisfaction at 57.8%.
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