Causal Relationship Model of Factors Influencing in Behavioral Intention of Buriram Marathon 2022 Participants

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Paak Phantumabamrung
Worawee Nakpanom


This article aimed to 1) study direct and indirect effects of service quality, destination attributes, and satisfaction on the behavioral intention of Buriram Marathon 2022 participants and 2) examine a causal relationship model of factors influencing the behavioral intention of Buriram Marathon participants. This research was quantitative research and employed the questionnaire with a reliability value at 0.893. A sample of 390 Buriram marathoners participated in the length of 42.195 kilometers. The data were analyzed by using Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Model.

The research results were as follows: 1) a causal relationship model of factors influencing in behavioral intention was fit with having gif.latex?\chi2 = 197.58, df = 84,  gif.latex?\chi2/df = 2.35, P-value 0.000, RMSEA = .0593, RMR = .0466, SRMR = .0466, CFI = .97, GFI = .936, AGFI = .908, CN = 233.488 and 2) service quality and destination attribute had the direct effect on satisfaction with a statistical significance at .05, the influence coefficient at .446 and .421. and the determination coefficient at .672. These factors also had an indirect effect on behavioral intention, with an influence coefficient at .242 and .228. Likewise, satisfaction had the direct effect on behavioral intention with a statistical significance at .05, the influence coefficient at .541 and the determination coefficient at .298.

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How to Cite
Phantumabamrung, P., & Nakpanom, W. (2022). Causal Relationship Model of Factors Influencing in Behavioral Intention of Buriram Marathon 2022 Participants. Arts of Management Journal, 6(2), 779–793. retrieved from
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