Indicators of Total Service Quality of Private Hospitals in Thailand
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Thailand will be entering an aging society. Private hospitals are still service businesses that need to improve their services because of intense market competition and want to deliver good service to users to get the most satisfaction. The purposes of this research were 1) to study the level of opinions of service executives and representatives of private hospitals in Thailand; and 2) to analyze confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) indicators of total service quality for private hospitals in Thailand. The sample group were service executives and representatives of private hospitals in Thailand who were members of the private hospital association. There were 140 samples calculated by the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method, at least 20 times the number of observable variables. The statistical methods were path analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM).
The findings revealed that most private hospitals were medium-sized, with 101-250 beds. The highest levels of opinions about indicators of total service quality of private hospitals in Thailand were service process, service user response by confirmatory factor of variables by chi-square of 2/df =1.982, P=0.94, GFI=0.987, AGFI=0.931, NFI=0.991, IFI=0.996, CFI=0.996, RMR=0.001, RMSEA=0.071 which were the highest standards of indicators of total service quality of private hospitals in Thailand that were consistent with the empirical data.
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