A Causal Structural Relationship Model of the Factors Affecting the Innovative Performance of Personnel in Department-level Government Agencies

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Waraporn Sribun
Chindalak Vadhanasindhu


The study aimed at 1) creating a causal structure relationship model of the factors affecting the innovative performance of personnel in department-level government agencies and 2) conducting a comparison study of the size and direction of the direct and indirect influence of the factors affecting the innovative performance of personnel in department-level government agencies. The study was conducted using a quantitative research design. The sample in the study was 130 department-level government agencies of equivalent. The key informants were 130 deputy directors of academic affairs and deputy directors responsible for innovative management. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the study. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to measure the causal relationships by means of factor analysis, path analysis, and estimation of parameters in the regression analysis.

The findings showed that first, the developed model consists of knowledge management, transformational leadership, and human capital, innovation performance. Innovative capability was the mediator variable. The model was in harmony with the empirical data and passed the criteria; namely, chi-squared 66.38, Df 51, probability 0.073, CMIN/DF 1.30, CFI l0.99, GFI 0.92, NFI 0.96, RMSEA 0.05. Second, the factors affecting innovative performance were the following: innovative capability had the highest level of positive direct influence with significance in terms of innovative performance; knowledge management had the second level of influence on innovative performance; namely, it had both a direct and indirect influence—a negative direct influence with significance and a positive indirect influence. The innovative capability variables were the mediator variables, where transformational leadership had a significantly positive indirect influence on innovative performance and human capital had a positive indirect influence on innovative performance without significance.

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How to Cite
Sribun, W., & Vadhanasindhu, C. (2022). A Causal Structural Relationship Model of the Factors Affecting the Innovative Performance of Personnel in Department-level Government Agencies. Journal of Arts Management, 6(2), 559–577. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jam/article/view/254146
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