Development of a Learning Management Model for Enhancing Intuitive Thinking Ability of Nursing Students

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Supranee Purahong
Khanittha Saleemad
Danulada Jamjuree
Uayart Chuchuen


This article aimed to 1) study the thinking ability of nursing students; 2) develop a learning model to enhance intuitive thinking ability of nursing students; and 3) study the effectiveness of the learning management model for enhancing intuitive thinking ability of nursing students. There were three research and development phases: (1) the study of intuitive thinking ability for nursing students; (2) the development of a learning management model to enhance the intuitive thinking ability of nursing students; and (3) the evaluation of the effectiveness of a learning management model. The sample consisted of 24 nursing students in their third year at the Faculty of Nursing at Srinakharinwirot University, selected by cluster sampling.

The results showed the intuitive thinking ability of nursing students, which means that students report problems, risks, and share perceptions of the patient's thoughts and emotions. Link to support information Give reasons for problem and risk analysis. Plan the nursing care of the patient, covering the body and mind. The intuitive thinking abilities of nursing students had two components: critical thinking and empathy. The developed learning management model had four steps: (1) Situation (S); (2) Consideration (C); (3) Conceptualization (C); and (4) Application (A). The effectiveness of the learning management model were as follows: (1) the mean score of intuitive thinking ability by self-assessment among nursing students after the learning model was higher and with a statistically significant increase of .05; (2) the mean scores of intuitive thinking ability were assessed by instructors after the learning model was at Level Three of intuitive thinking ability; and (3) the mean scores of intuitive thinking ability of nursing students were assessed by instructors in each phase, and with a statistically significant increase of .05.

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How to Cite
Purahong, S., Saleemad, K., Jamjuree, D., & Chuchuen, U. (2022). Development of a Learning Management Model for Enhancing Intuitive Thinking Ability of Nursing Students . Journal of Arts Management, 6(1), 190–205. retrieved from
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