“Islamic elderly”, Karyo Mati Community Funeral Management Welfare Fund under the Southern Border Context

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Thanidaphat Saengtong
Jirachaya Jeawkok
Abdulkhaliq Arrahimee
Sawat Laipaporne


This article aimed to study the development of the funeral welfare fund for the elderly according to the Muslim lifestyle of the Kayomati Community, Bacho District, Narathiwat Province. The sample was eight members. They were selected by the founder board and members. The instrument of collecting data was an in-depth interview and participant observation. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and content analysis. The research results were found as follows:

The results showed that the development of the funeral welfare fund for the elderly according to the Muslim lifestyle of the Kayomati community found four principles as follows: (1) principles of decision-making and selection of representatives to be board members in each village; (2) principles of cooperation and implementation of the Fund's activity plan by following the plan; (3) principles of mutual benefit, there are two types of receiving feedback from participation in welfare provision, which is monetary and non-monetary; and (4) Principles of joint monitoring and evaluation, which follow up on two aspects of the Fund's budget management, namely budget monitoring. Further operational suggestions should be to push measures to provide assistance for medical expenses for the elderly who are members of the fund.

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How to Cite
Saengtong, T., Jeawkok, J., Arrahimee, A., & Laipaporne, S. (2022). “Islamic elderly”, Karyo Mati Community Funeral Management Welfare Fund under the Southern Border Context. Journal of Arts Management, 6(1), 129–145. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jam/article/view/252520
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