The Innovation Management Model that Influences the Driving of the Environmental Consulting Business in Thailand

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Chanchanad Suwannawiwat
Umarwan Watakit


This article aimed (1) to study the innovation factors influencing the success of the environmental consultancy business; and (2) to analyze confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of innovation management affecting the success of the environmental consultancy business. The sample consisted of 266 licensed environmental consultants. They were selected by questionnaires and in-depth interviews as the instruments for collecting data such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, and structural equation model. Analysis of data by descriptive statistics and content analysis. The research results were found as follows:

1) adding value to the quality of service by using service innovation, process innovation, and management innovation to improve business operations. This can increase the efficiency of service quality and meet the purpose of the service recipients.

2) The factors that are vital to driving the environmental consulting business are (1) digital innovation, (2) intelligence innovation business system, and (3) artificial intelligence innovation.

3) The innovation management guidelines for environmental consulting appropriate must be planned accurately, appropriately, valued, and maximized benefits by using the core activities of management (POLC) as a guideline to achieve the objective of the organization.

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How to Cite
Suwannawiwat, C., & Watakit, U. (2022). The Innovation Management Model that Influences the Driving of the Environmental Consulting Business in Thailand. Journal of Arts Management, 6(1), 221–235. retrieved from
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