Political Leadership Model for Solving Political Conflicts Based on the Buddhist Principles

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Banchuen Nakkanrian
Santhan Chayanon
Wijittra Srisorn


This research article aimed to 1) study the problems of Thai political conflict, and 2) create a model of Buddhist political leadership to resolve political conflicts. This study was a qualitative research model. Data were collected via interviews. The key informants were academics, politicians, and the public through in-depth interviews with 18 experts by content analysis using the Delphi technique and focus group discussion. Descriptive analysis and presentation of results. The results of the research revealed that

1) The Thai political conflict was caused by different political ideologies, the different pursuits of political power, and prejudice against each other. The political unrest in Thailand was caused by different political ideologies, political power, bargaining power, ideology, and benefits. As for the political conflict in Thailand, political ideology has created different opinions, causing political conflicts arising from political ideology, social inequality, economics, beliefs, and values.

2) The Buddhist political leadership model for solving political conflicts consisted of five main components, which were morality, stability, tranquility, ability, and maturity called the M-STAM MODEL.

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How to Cite
Nakkanrian, B. . ., Chayanon, S. . ., & Srisorn, W. . (2022). Political Leadership Model for Solving Political Conflicts Based on the Buddhist Principles. Journal of Arts Management, 6(1), 85–100. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jam/article/view/251699
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