Marketing Strategy of Commercial Bank in Terms of Technology for Financial Transactions

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Jarin Jarusen


The purposes of this article aimed to study 1) the marketing strategies in the context of service quality and satisfaction of service used in response to financial technology; 2) the acceptance of technology through the perceived benefits and perceived of ease; and 3) the use of research results as a guideline for technology development in financial technology to bank to formulate development strategies and expanding customer base in the future by using the framework for study in concepts and theories on quality and marketing service strategy. The customer’s satisfaction technology choices. The example group was entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises that use financial technology. An example of 400 offices located in Bangkok, Thailand. The tools used in the research were an online questionnaire. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, and calculation Pls SEM.

The study was found as follows: Service quality positively affects the perceived benefits and perceived of ease 0.038, 0.374 statistically significant service marketing strategies have a positive impact on perceived benefits and perceived of ease 0.975, 0.135 Statistically significant. The satisfaction of the users has a negative impact on the perceived benefits and perceived of ease 0.255, 0.556. And the perception benefits and perceived of ease has a positive impact on technology 0.970, 0.070 and perceived ease had a positive impact on perceived benefit 0.182 statistically significant.

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How to Cite
Jarusen, J. (2021). Marketing Strategy of Commercial Bank in Terms of Technology for Financial Transactions. Journal of Arts Management, 5(3), 544–558. retrieved from
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