Management of Learning Experiences Provision in accordance with Early Childhood Curriculum B.E. 2560 of School under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

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Kitichai Wongsilpakul
Prasert Intarak


This research article aimed to study the management of learning experience provision in accordance with the Early Childhood Curriculum B.E. 2560 of schools under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The research methodology used was Ethnographic Delphi Future Research. The target group was 21 experts, selected as the target group according to the specified criteria. The instruments for collecting the data were unstructured interviews and questionnaires. The statistics used in this research were mode, median, interquartile range, and content analysis.

The research results were found as follows: It consisted of learning experience provision in accordance with the Early Childhood Curriculum B.E. 2560 of schools under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. It consisted of 9 aspects, namely 1) Planning for learning experiences, 2) Managing learning experiences, 3) Supervision learning experiences, 4) Supporting the use of learning media and learning resources, 5) Assessing the child's development in accordance with standards and desirable characteristics, 6) Research for the development of child development management learning experiences, 7) Personnel development, 8) Building cooperation with parents and communities, and 9) Supporting learning experiences.

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How to Cite
Wongsilpakul, K., & Intarak, P. . (2021). Management of Learning Experiences Provision in accordance with Early Childhood Curriculum B.E. 2560 of School under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Arts of Management Journal, 5(3), 749–763. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Prasert Intarak, Silpakorn University

รศ.ดร. ประเสริฐ อินทร์รักษ์

คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร


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