The Student Discipline Enhancing in Secondary School

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Ketsara Phoemsukrungrueang


The purposes of this research were 1) to determine the components of enhancing student discipline in secondary school; and 2) to confirm the component of enhancing student discipline in secondary school. The samples consisted of the secondary school director in the Secondary Educational Service area under the Office of Basic Education Commission, Ministry of Education. The sample size was determined by Krejcie and Morgan’s Sample Size Table. The sample was obtained from stratified random sampling. The sample consisted of 331 respondents. The research instruments were the semi-structured interview, the opinionnaire, and the confirmatory questionnaire of the student discipline enhancing in secondary school. The data analysis statistics were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis, and content analysis.

The research findings were as follows: 1. There were 4 factors of the student discipline enhancing in secondary school: 1) Strategy and policy composed of 8 sub-factors: (1.1) administrator vision, (1.2) leadership of administrator, (1.3) teacher maturity, (1.4) the supervision and monitoring, (1.5) the Strength information, (1.6) be good model, (1.7) communication, and (1.8) the creating strengthening; 2) Enhancing Process composed of 6 sub-factors: (2.1) management, (2.2) activities managing, (2.3) administrative strategy, (2.4) leadership, (2.5) evolution, and (2.6) school culture; 3) The school atmosphere; and 4) Cooperate Networking.

2. The student discipline enhancement in secondary school was verified with accuracy, propriety, feasibility, and utility.

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How to Cite
Phoemsukrungrueang, K. (2021). The Student Discipline Enhancing in Secondary School. Arts of Management Journal, 5(3), 645–656. retrieved from
Research Articles


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