Language Strategies in Contemporary Isan Country Music

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Peerapong Kenthoraphak
Sopee Untaya


This research paper was a study of language strategies in contemporary Isan country music by studying northeastern country songs from during the months of January - December 2018 with a selection of Isan country songs with views from 1 million or more, totaling 20 channels to study language strategies in contemporary Isan folk songs. The research model was a qualitative research using language concepts and theories and strategies. The results of the study showed that the language strategies in contemporary Isan country music consist of 4 issues as follows: 1) Language strategies for using words, including: 1.1) repeat words and repetitions 1.2) profanity 1.3) use of foreign language words and 1.4) play the sound of the word; 2) language strategies in the use of expressions; 3) language strategies for meaningful use, including: 3.1) connotative and 3.2) denotative meaning; and 4) language strategies in figure of speech, including: 4.1) simile 4.2) metaphor 4.3) personification and 4.4) hyperbole.

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How to Cite
Kenthoraphak, P., & Untaya, S. . (2021). Language Strategies in Contemporary Isan Country Music. Journal of Arts Management, 5(2), 442–457. retrieved from
Research Articles


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