The Effective Component of Strategy Human Resource Management for Higher Education Institutes

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Sakdipan Tonwimonrat


Strategic Human Resource Management is very importance because it is the link between Organizational Strategies and Human Resources to achieve organizational goal. In higher Education Institutions, as well as in other organizations, human resources are a key factor in organizational management to success. This Article aimed to study (1) The Effective Component of Strategy Human Resource Management for Higher Education Institutes. (2) Confirm the Effective Component of Strategy Human Resource Management for Higher Education Institutes. The samples in factor analysis were 300 samples. They was selected by Comrey and Lee guidance in determining sample size 300 =good. The instrument for collecting data were 2 opinionnaires. Analysis data by Descriptive statistics and Content Analysis. The research results were found as follows;

1) The Effective Component of Strategy Human Resource Management for Higher Education Institutes are 14 Components 1) human resource management assessment 2) organization and human resource management strategies 3) compensation incentives and benefits 4) external environment Analysis 5) vision and mission setting 6) Implementing strategies 7) human resource development and training 8) human resource recruitment 9) low-cost strategy 10) performance management 11) strategic evaluation 12) job analysis and job design  13) internal environment analysis 14) human resource selection.

2) The result confirms The Effective Component of Strategy Human Resource management for Higher Education Institutes by Executive are found: accuracy, propriety, feasibility, utility and accordance with relevant theories and research of conceptual frameworks.

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How to Cite
Tonwimonrat, S. (2021). The Effective Component of Strategy Human Resource Management for Higher Education Institutes. Journal of Arts Management, 5(2), 286–298. retrieved from
Research Articles


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