Leader Behaviors affecting the Development of SubdistrictAdministrative Organization in Singburi Province

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Ornpapat Jantarasakha


The purposes of this study were as follows: 1) to study the leader behavior affecting the Sub-district Administrative Organization in Singburi Province; and 2) to study the guideline development of leader behaviors affecting development of the Sub-district Administrative Organization in Singburi Province. The population was 162 respondents consisted of (1) the presidents of the sub-district administrative organization, (2) the sub-district administrative committees, (3) the operation staffs and (4) the community leaders. The tools used in this study were questionnaires and data analysis using percentages, mean, and standard deviation. The findings revealed that:

1) The creation of prestige the key leader behaviors were Executives respected by others and took into account the benefits of participation rather than self-interest.

2) Individuality the key to leader behavior was that executives were often optimistic about future events and create values ​​in the work by allowing the participants to take into account the common interests rather than personal interests.

3) Intellectual stimulation; the important leader behavior was that the management brought the outstanding overview of the Sub-district Administrative Organization as a focus on the development of the Sub-district Administrative Organization and diagnose various problems carefully and unanimously before making a decision.

4) Inspiration and the important behaviors were that the administrators used a good coordination as a link between the members of the Sub-district Administrative Organization, community leaders and people together and paid attention to the employees to build good morale in the Sub-district Administrative Organization.

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How to Cite
Jantarasakha, O. (2021). Leader Behaviors affecting the Development of SubdistrictAdministrative Organization in Singburi Province. Journal of Arts Management, 5(1), 259–271. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jam/article/view/247171
Research Articles


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