Antecedents Affecting Employee Retention of Medical Personnel in a Standard Level General Hospital Under The Ministry of Public Health

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Sirisak Jangkasiri
Krisada Chienwattanasook


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the levels of motivation factors, hygiene factors, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job retention of medical personnel in a standard level general hospital under The Ministry of Public Health, and 2) to study the effects of motivation factors, hygiene factors, job satisfaction and organizational commitment on job retention of medical personnel in a standard level general hospital under The Ministry of Public Health. The samples were 223 medical personnel. A questionnaire survey was a data collection tool. The data analysis employed descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Determined existence of multicollinearity with variance inflation factors (VIF). Reflective measurement model assessment using Cronbach’s α, composite reliability, and outer loadings. Then tested convergent and discriminant validity of the measurement model. The results indicated that: motivation factors, hygiene factors, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job retention levels were at high levels. While motivation factors have no direct positive relationship with job retention. On the other hand, there were direct positive relationships from hygiene factors, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment on job retention at the statistically significant level as of 0.05.

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How to Cite
Jangkasiri, S., & Chienwattanasook, K. . (2021). Antecedents Affecting Employee Retention of Medical Personnel in a Standard Level General Hospital Under The Ministry of Public Health . Journal of Arts Management, 5(1), 192–205. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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