The Opinions of those Involved in the Master Feature of The Faculty of Business Administration Bangkokthonburi University

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Supatra Chantanasiri
Chonkanok Kositkanin
Ariya Phuvakeereevivat
Nicknipar Boonchouy


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the opinions of employers and entrepreneurs on qualities the special characteristics on completing a master's degree in business administration at the Bangkokthonburi University; 2) to study the opinions of employers and entrepreneurs involved in the learning outcomes, according to the national qualifications framework for higher education; and 3) to bring comments, wants, and suggestions of employers and entrepreneurs on qualities the special characteristics on completing a master's degree in business administration at the Bangkokthonburi University to improve and develop curriculum the master of business administration faculty of business administration. The research was a quantitative design. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

          The results of this research were as follows: 1) Overall opinions of employers and entrepreneurs on qualities the special characteristics on completing a master's degree when consider an overall aspect found high level, and consider each aspect ranked by mean see also leadership and responsibility in top rank; 2) Overall opinions of employers and entrepreneurs involved about learning outcomes, according to the standard framework was high level when consider each aspect they found that they were at the high level, ranked by mean see also interpersonal skills and responsibility in top rank; and 3) The Wants and suggestions of relevant persons towards the improvement of the master of business administration include updating the course content to be up to date. It meets the needs of the labor market and incorporates analysis along with the use of technology. Therefore, the curriculum should be developed for graduate students with an emphasis on the development and Promote skills training in line with leadership policies in the digital age. To keep pace with the changing of technology.

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How to Cite
Chantanasiri, S. ., Kositkanin, C., Phuvakeereevivat, A. ., & Boonchouy, N. . (2021). The Opinions of those Involved in the Master Feature of The Faculty of Business Administration Bangkokthonburi University. Journal of Arts Management, 5(1), 180–191. Retrieved from
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