Marketing Mix Factors off Transportation and Parcel Services Between J&T Express and Kerry Express

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Thipmontha Laokasikarn
Chinnaso Visitnitikija


The objectives of this study were to: 1) compare marketing mix factors in the transportation and parcel services between J&T Express and Kerry Express; 2) compare the opinions of marketing mix factors in choosing transportation services classified by personal information. The population used in the study was an unknown number of users in Bangkok and its vicinity. A sample of 400 W. G. Cochran was selected with a 95% confidence level by using questionnaires as a tool. The data were processed using percentage statistics and mean t-test, f-test, one-way ANOVA. The research results were found as follows: Objective 1, the marketing mix factors between J&T Express and Kerry Express, the respondents had opinions about the marketing mix factor with Kerry more express than J&T Express 13.17%; objective 2, the personal information on age, occupation and average monthly income different shipping services were important to the selection of different freight and courier services between J&T Express. And age personal information and education level different express delivery options were important to choose between different Kerry Express freight forwarding services. Knowledgeable from this research, it was found that J&T Express should expand its branches to cover the use of recruitment, training, personality development training, communication skills, and should focus on providing services and taking care of customers thoroughly. Kerry Express is a long-established company but in order to maintain the customer base, it should be sustainable quality by improving the care of the product to be in perfect condition before reaching the customer and should improve on service channels through application.

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How to Cite
Laokasikarn, T., & Visitnitikija, C. . (2021). Marketing Mix Factors off Transportation and Parcel Services Between J&T Express and Kerry Express. Journal of Arts Management, 5(1), 45–57. Retrieved from
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