Service Quality Affecting Users Satisfaction of Flash Express Transportation Services Co., Ltd.

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Thanapat Poodanklang
Chinnaso Visitnitikija


This article aimed to study 1) service quality factors, 2) the level of satisfaction of the users, 3) the satisfaction of the users classified by personal information, and 4) the relationship between the quality of service and the satisfaction of the transport users, Flash Express Co., Ltd. The sample group of 400 people used a questionnaire as a study tool and the data that were processed using a statistical package (SPSS).

The overall satisfaction level of the transport users was in the very satisfaction level. Sorted as follows on-time service, equal service, continuous service, providing adequate service, progressive service, hypothesis test results personal factors on gender, age, status, education level, and average monthly income satisfaction in using the transportation service was no different. Different occupations had different preferences. Service quality factors were related to overall satisfaction. High level of relationship, same direction Service quality factors the concrete aspect of the service reliability and trust influence on the satisfaction of transport users. Flash Express Company (Flash Express) limited with a statistically significant at .05 level. Recommendations from the results of the study, the company should provide a fast track service, users can reserve a queue in advance before entering the service, add one-day express service delivers the goods to the recipient's hand and open the service during a special time (special time) to facilitate the users.

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How to Cite
Poodanklang, T., & Visitnitikija, C. . (2021). Service Quality Affecting Users Satisfaction of Flash Express Transportation Services Co., Ltd. Journal of Arts Management, 5(1), 17–29. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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