Tourism Route Development of Historical Park in Lower Northern of Thailand

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Praphol Chitkati


This research aimed to study (1) history and the identity through the route of historical park tourism in the Lower North of Thailand, (2) set the tourism route of historical park in the Lower North of Thailand, and (3) create tourism guidebook of historical park in the Lower North of Thailand. The sample was 400 tourist correspondents and 80 stakeholders in tourism. The instrument for collecting data was a questionnaire, in-depth interview, focus group discussion, and workshop. Analysis data by Descriptive statistics and Content Analysis.

The research results were found as follows: (1) the results revealed that each historical park had a different history and identity. Sukhothai Historical Park had the history and the identity welted about Loy Krathong and Candle Festival, Si Satchanalai Historical Park had history and identity related about Bathing and Almsgiving, Kampheang Phet Historical Park had the history and identity related with Row-forest-robes presented to the priests in a ceremony, and Srithep Historical Park had the history related to worship Srithep God; (2) There were found 4 routes of the Historical Park. There first route begins from Srithep to Si Satchanalai to Sukhothai and to Kamphaeng Phet (round trip) with the distance of 465 kilometers. The second route begins from Si Satchanalai to Sukhothai to Kamphaeng Phet and to Srithep (round trip) with the distance of 397 kilometers; and (3) the stakeholder of this research has proposed a guidebook for a 4-day/3-night itinerary including accommodations, activities, accessibilities for travel agency, group and individual travelers, as well as free individual travelers. Moreover, this guidebook has provided a one-day excursion for each park and informed global positioning system (GPS) technology for a car drive or a bike ride around the parks in the lower north of Thailand.

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How to Cite
Chitkati, P. . (2021). Tourism Route Development of Historical Park in Lower Northern of Thailand. Journal of Arts Management, 5(1), 73–86. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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