The motivation of Online Market Entry among Entrepreneurs in Lampang Province through the Food Panda Application

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Sirinya Jailaor
Benjaporn Pounkhan
Piyada Phuichakum
Kajohnsak Wongwirach


The purposes of this study were (1) to study the level of opinions on entrepreneurs’ motivation and business growth, and (2) to investigate the influence of motivation among entrepreneurs participating in Food Panda in Lampang Province towards the growth of the business. This study was a quantitative research by using questionnaires as a research tool. The result of the validity was 0.72 and the reliability was 0.96. The population employed with the entrepreneurs who join Food Panda for more than 3 months. A sample was selected from 385 cases were included as a sample selected by purposive sampling. Data analysis was processed by descriptive statistics to find the frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviations, and applied inferential statistics to analyze simple regression for testing the research hypothesis. The research results were found level of opinions on motivational feedback was at a high level with a mean of 3.86. In addition, the overall level of opinions on the growth of the business was at a high level with a mean of 3.78. The hypothesis test's result was revealed that the motivation influenced the growth of business among entrepreneurs participating in the Food Panda application with the correlation coefficient equal to 0.74 with statistically significant at 0.05 level.

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How to Cite
Jailaor, S., Pounkhan, B. ., Phuichakum, P. ., & Wongwirach, K. . (2021). The motivation of Online Market Entry among Entrepreneurs in Lampang Province through the Food Panda Application. Journal of Arts Management, 5(1), 30–44. Retrieved from
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