The Customer Satisfaction on the Concept of Pet-Friendly Shopping Center: A Case Study of Central Festival Eastville

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Sunti Chinphongsuwan
Pattaragit Netiniyom


The purposes of the research were 1. to examine customer satisfaction on Central Festival Eastville’s concept – a pet-friendly shopping center - regarding discrete demographic; 2. to study whether a divergent visiting purpose had a dissimilar effect on customer satisfaction on Central Festival Eastville’s: a concept of pet-friendly shopping center; and 3. to investigate a marketing mix that influenced customer satisfaction on Central Festival Eastville’s concept: a pet-friendly shopping center. This research was a quantitative research. The sample size concluded 400 customers, who visited Central Festival Eastville with pet and also lived in Bangkok and perimeter. The statistical analysis included frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Moreover, the hypotheses had been evaluated by t-test, F test and multiple regression.

The study of customer satisfaction revealed that the demographic of pet owner, including level of education, occupation, salary, status of marriage, type of pet, number of pets, visiting date, visiting time, visiting frequency and spending amount per visit, had an impact on Central Festival Eastville’s concept: a pet-friendly shopping center. Furthermore, marketing mix, including product and service, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence, significantly affected on the satisfaction of customers as well. According to the research result, Central Festival Eastville is recommended to continuously refurbish a festive area in order to attract potential customers including their pet.


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How to Cite
Chinphongsuwan, S., & Netiniyom, P. (2020). The Customer Satisfaction on the Concept of Pet-Friendly Shopping Center: A Case Study of Central Festival Eastville. Journal of Arts Management, 4(3), 605–620. Retrieved from
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