Causal Relationship Model of Intention to Use Food Delivery Service Via Grab Food Application of Customer in Bangkok and Vicinity

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Nuttawut Sangsawang
Sumaman Pankham


This research aimed to study (1) develop a causal relationship model of intention to use of food delivery service via Grab Food application of the customers in Bangkok and vicinity (2) validate the consistency of the causal relationship model with empirical data. This research was quantitative. The sample was used for collecting data from 340 peoples who have been used for food delivery service via the Grab Food application that lives in Bangkok and vicinity. They were selected by convenience sampling the instrument for collecting data was an online questionnaire. Analysis data by structural equation modeling. The research results were found as follows;

  1. The causal relationship modal of intention to use of food delivery service via Grab Food application of the customers in Bangkok and vicinity consists of five factors including the 1) Conscientiousness 2) Openness to Experience 3) Perceived Usefulness 4) Perceived Ease of Use and 5) Intention to Use.

  2.  The analysis of the causal relationship model found that the model is consistent with the empirical data. Statistics, CMIN/df = 1.87, GFI = 0.94, AGFI = 0.92, RMSEA = 0.05 and the forecast coefficient = 83. Found that the Openness to Experience was the most influence on Intention to Use of food delivery service via Grab Food application. So should give the consumer a good experience using the food delivery service through the application.

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How to Cite
Sangsawang, N., & Pankham, S. . (2020). Causal Relationship Model of Intention to Use Food Delivery Service Via Grab Food Application of Customer in Bangkok and Vicinity. Journal of Arts Management, 4(2), 503–520. Retrieved from
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