The Influence of the Situation as an Entrepreneurship, Integration of Knowledge, and Innovation towards Performance of Community Enterprises in the Northern Region

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Kajohnsak Wongwirach
Boonthawan Wingwon


The purposes of this research were to study the level of importance of entrepreneurship status, integration of knowledge, innovation and operational results, and to study the influence of entrepreneurship conditions that influence the integration of knowledge, innovation, and the performance of entrepreneurs of community enterprises by using questionnaires as a research tool. The sample group was community enterprise entrepreneurs in the upper northern region and evaluated at a good level for 206 community enterprises. Data analysis used descriptive statistics to analyze percentage, mean and standard deviation, and test the research hypothesis by analyzing the structural equations.

The results of the research showed that entrepreneurs with good assessment of community values emphasized entrepreneurship the most, with an average of 3.61, followed by innovation with an average of 3.71, for knowledge integration with an average of 3.73, and In terms of performance, there is an average of 3.61, with all aspects being at a high level. The hypothesis testing found that entrepreneurship influences the integration of knowledge and innovation including the integration of knowledge and innovation has a direct influence on performance, with the harmonization index of the model x2 = 77.90, df = 61, x2/ df = 1.27, GFI = .956, CFI = .990, RMR= .025, RMSEA = .037


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How to Cite
Wongwirach, K., & Wingwon, B. . (2020). The Influence of the Situation as an Entrepreneurship, Integration of Knowledge, and Innovation towards Performance of Community Enterprises in the Northern Region. Journal of Arts Management, 4(2), 308–324. Retrieved from
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