Cycle of life and Virus19 Effect for Worthy of Human

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Phrukrukanchanatammaporn Saeju
Phrakrukittichaiyakan Noi


Cycle of life and Virus -19 Effect for Worthy of Human. It was minor-consciousness for an ancient disease as the same with present disease, but the present time is more horrible. Because communication information of technology id “Political” both in domestic and foreign. It was more horrible like example Covid 19 was biological weapon. The present disease so horrible was not least than attach with weapon. World War 2 with weapon (atoms) so terrible. But Covid 19 world war was more terrible and more disgusting event for close and lovely people when using by common life was not using too. Therefore, we saw long many Caravan bodies cause of disease then we think of remains bodies’ ay Vesary city on Buddha Era was similarly but only Covid 19 had not person beside them because of they fear virus disease, but those remains bodies at Vesary city was believed that “In Humans” (or spirit of die) surround all.

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How to Cite
Saeju, P. ., & Noi, P. (2020). Cycle of life and Virus19 Effect for Worthy of Human. Journal of Arts Management, 4(2), 419–428. Retrieved from


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