Vipassana Meditation Adding Psychic Power to the Disaster of Covid – 19: Lessons from the Dalai Lama

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Phrakruwirojkanchanaket Wiroj
Phragrusirikanchanabhiraksa Supachai


This scholarly article aims to Present meditation and Vipassana meditation practice to increase and develop inner psychic power that can fight various ailments Especially the danger from the current outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. Which studied through the lesson of spreading Dharma The Teachings of the Dalai Lama 14th that tries to connect Buddhism and modern science The author studies from research papers, journals, articles, Buddhist concepts and modern science. It is found that the practice of Vipassana is an important tool or alternative because the practice of meditation has to stop thinking By allowing the mind to hold on to the in-out breath or parts of the body is the development of consciousness 4 including using consciousness to define body, compassion, mind and dharma The Dalai Lama, the head of Buddhism around the world Came out to show concern for all humankind by suggesting that we pray Meditate and practice Vipassana meditation come as a solution to the fight against the calamity - 19 this time. Because such practice will result in our mind having a positive energy that can be aware of the fear of disease and when having a strong mind, can heal the external physical health and he also linked Buddhist practices with western medical science research which has proven that These guidelines help to treat the disease both physically and mentally. Helping the mind to stay with the present time can leave the mind to feel light body and mind because of stop thinking Helps to cure various diseases.

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How to Cite
Wiroj, P. ., & Supachai, P. (2020). Vipassana Meditation Adding Psychic Power to the Disaster of Covid – 19: Lessons from the Dalai Lama. Journal of Arts Management, 4(2), 409–418. retrieved from


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