Analysis of the Components of the Indicators for Participatory Management as per the House, Temple, and School Concept which Impact the Efficiency of the Management of the School Under the Responsibility of the Primary Educational Service Area Office

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Kongkiat Raktum


This research article aims to study the operational efficiency of a school under the responsibility of the Primary Educational Service Area Office (PESAO) and to analyze the components of the indicators for participatory management as per the House, Temple, and School Concept from the Primary Educational Service Area Office (PESAO). The research sample consists of a total of 388 teachers and officials who work in the school. The data was collected using survey questionnaires. The statistics was used to analyze the data including mean and standard deviation, to test the appropriateness of the data using Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett’s Test Sphericity, and to carry out the Exploratory Factor Analysis of the research indicators. It was found that 1) the overall operational efficiency of the school under the responsibility of the Primary Educational Service Area Office (PESAO) is at a high level and 2) components of the indicators for participatory management as per the house, temple, and school concept of the Primary Educational Service Area Office (PESAO) are made up of six components consisting of 1) planning and cooperation, 2) role and participation, 3) organizing activities and building relationships, 4) management and operations, 5) promoting ethics and morals, and 6) strengthening mutual benefits. All the variables have a variance of 73.72%.


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How to Cite
Raktum, K. (2020). Analysis of the Components of the Indicators for Participatory Management as per the House, Temple, and School Concept which Impact the Efficiency of the Management of the School Under the Responsibility of the Primary Educational Service Area Office. Arts of Management Journal, 4(2), 458–471. retrieved from
Research Articles


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