An Effect of Teacher Spirit Strengthening Program Based on Buddhist Psychology for Student Teachers

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Pharima Winithasathitkul


Objectives of the study included 1) to study teacher spirit strengthening concepts and Buddhist Psychology principles; and 3) to propose an effect of the Teacher Spirit Strengthening Program based on Buddhist Psychology for student teachers. It was a mixed method using a qualitative research to expand a quantitative research. A sample of the study included 60 first year student teachers divided into two groups of experiment and control with 30 students each. Tools of data collection comprised a measurement of teacher spirit, observation, personal record and Teacher Spirit Strengthening Program based on Buddhist Psychology for student teachers by designing experiments into two periods: the first period of three days and second period of 1 month. For analyzing quantitative data statistics including t-test and two – way repeated measures ANOVA was employed, and a content analysis was used for analyzing qualitative data.

Results of the study were as follows:

  1. Teacher spirit strengthening concepts and Buddhist Psychology principles included the teacher spirit strengthening process based on 4 virtues for lay people and 4 principles of service, and 2 aspects of measurement including belief and behavior. Moreover, 7 qualities of a good friend and 4 sublime states of mind were designed as the attributes indicating the teacher spirit of student teachers.

  2. An effect of the Teacher Spirit  Strengthening Program based  on Buddhist Psychology for student teachers comprised 12 units, namely, 1) being aware of the truth, 2) understanding the principles of development, 3) always being happy with others, 4) understanding the truth of life, 5) having leadership, 6) understanding and accessing work on duty, 7) being indifferent to matters that should be ignored, 8) being aware of the consequences of their actions towards the public, 9) always sympathizing with others, 10) knowing how actions affect others, 11) having patience, and 12) being responsible for duty. These indicated that the point of student teachers of the experimental group was higher than before an experiment and higher than that of a control group at the statistical significance of .05, and the result of qualitative data analysis also supported the quantitative data showing that the participants took ways of thinking and practice for self-development based Buddhist Psychology for strengthening their potential in working and daily life.

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How to Cite
Winithasathitkul, P. . (2020). An Effect of Teacher Spirit Strengthening Program Based on Buddhist Psychology for Student Teachers. Journal of Arts Management, 4(2), 239–251. Retrieved from
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