Public Mental Development of Village Health Volunteers According To the Principle Buddhist Psychology

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Wasunai meesomsak


This Article aimed to study the effects of a public mind development process according to Buddhist psychology principles of the volunteers from the village public health. It is a mixed method research. The population is 100 village health volunteers. The sample groups were selected by simple random sampling. They were divided into two groups, the experimental group and the control group consisting of 30 students each. The research instruments were 1) a public mind development process for the volunteers from the public health according to Buddhist psychology. 2) Questionnaire for measuring public mind created by the researcher was tested the instrument quality, content validity by 5 experts. The qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis. Statistics used for quantitative data analysis consisted of percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and One-way ANOVA.

The results of the research found that the effects of using public mind process for the volunteers from public health according to Buddhist psychology with comparing the average score found that 1) before the experiment, the sample group had the same public mind on thought and  behavior between the experimental group and the control group. 2) Post-experiment and follow-up phase, the average score of public mind on thought and behavior between the experimental group and the control group was different with statistical significance at the level of .05. The average score of public mind on thought and behavior of the experimental group was higher than the control group. 3) The average score of public mind on thought and behavior before, after, and follow   up in the experimental group were different with the statistical significant at the level of .05. Different pairs, the average score of public mind on thought and behavior, the post test score was higher than pretest with statistical significant at the level of .05. The mean of post test and follow - up phase were not different. 4) The average score of public mind on thought and behavior, before, after and flow-up the experiment in the control group were not different.

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How to Cite
meesomsak, W. . . . (2020). Public Mental Development of Village Health Volunteers According To the Principle Buddhist Psychology. Journal of Arts Management, 4(2), 252–261. retrieved from
Research Articles


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