Problems in Implementation of Public Policy of Local Government Organization: A Case Study of Sao-cha-ngok Sub-district Administration Organization

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Suriyasak Mangkornkaewwikul
Siriwat Siriwatthanakul


The purposes of the research were to: (1) study the problems in implementation of public policy of Sao-cha-ngok Sub-district Administration Organization; and (2) study the capability of Sao-cha-ngok Sub-district Administration Organization. Research questionnaire is used as a tool to collect data from 22 respondents. Statistics used in this research consisted of Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation. In-depth interview is conducted with 5 key informants.

          The research results showed that the levels of problems in implementation of public policies, in total, were at moderate level with mean value of 2.84 and standard deviation of 0.77. In particular, each problem was at moderate level which can be ranked in order from higher to lower as follows: problems about controlling has the highest mean value, followed by problems about materials and instruments, personal problems, budgeting problems, problems about cooperation and change resistance, problems about power and relationship with other organizations/departments, and the least problems were problems about supporting and commitment of organizations or influential persons respectively.

          The ways to improve the capability of Sao-cha-ngok Sub-distrtict Administration Organization are consisted of having meeting to inform about policies to personnel to understand and have the ways to practice in the same direction, training personnel to know and understand about public policies, creating morale and spirit of personnel in implementing policies, increasing a number of personnel sufficient for performing duties, allocating budget sufficient for working, allocating materials or instruments sufficient for working, and coordinating with organizations or important persons in the local areas to ask for cooperation and support in driving the implementation of public policies.

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How to Cite
Mangkornkaewwikul, S., & Siriwatthanakul, S. . (2020). Problems in Implementation of Public Policy of Local Government Organization: A Case Study of Sao-cha-ngok Sub-district Administration Organization. Journal of Arts Management, 4(2), 205–222. Retrieved from
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