A Model of Parenthood according to Buddhist Psychology

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Yaninee Poopat


This research aimed to study (1) to study attributes and guidelines of the parents’ duties as a best practice; (2) to synthesize the Parenthood Model based on Buddhist Psychology; and 3) to examine and propose a Parenthood Model based Buddhist Psychology. The study was a mixed method  using a quantitative method to extend the results to a qualitative method in nature. the instrument for collecting data was Questionnaire collecting quantitative data, and the analysis of quantitative data used a descriptive statistics, a correlation analysis by Software packages and analysis for checking the consistency of the model and empirical data  by LISREL program. The research results were found as follows;

  1. Regarding the synthesis of the Parenthood Model based on Buddhist Psychology it found that the Parenthood Model based on Buddhist Psychology comprised 1 endogenous variable, namely, External Factors and 3 endogenous variables including 1) the 4 Divine States of Mind, 2) the 4 Paths of Accomplishment, and 3)  the 4 Divine States of Mind with the 4 Paths of Accomplishment acted as the mediator variable in the model.

  2. While considering direct and indirect influences from the examination and proposal of a Parenthood Model based Buddhist Psychology it found that the 4 Divine States of Mind were directly influenced by External Factors with the effect size of .68 at the statistical significance of .01, the 4 Paths of Accomplishment were directly influenced by External Factors and the 4 Divine States of Mind with the effect size of .59 and .26 at the statistical significance of .01.

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How to Cite
Poopat, Y. (2020). A Model of Parenthood according to Buddhist Psychology. Arts of Management Journal, 4(2), 223–238. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jam/article/view/240775
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