Effects of Social Studies Learning Activity Management Based on The Threefold Training on Critical Thinking Ability among Grade 7 Students

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Phra Krengsak Chokdee
Ketsaraphan Punsrigate Khongjaroen


The objectives of this research were 1) to compare critical thinking ability of students in the experimental group (taught with The Threefold Training-based instructional model ) with the control group(taught with a normal instructional model),2) to compare critical thinking ability of the experimental group before and after taught with The Threefold Training-based instructional model 3) to compare  critical thinking ability of the control group before and after taught with a normal instructional model, and 4) to study the opinions of the experimental group after taught with the Threefold Training-based instructional model.

The results of the study revealed that 1) at posttest phase, critical thinking ability score of the experimental group was 17.37 meanwhile the score of the control group was 11.43. When the statistical difference was tested with t-test, the experimental group had higher critical thinking ability than the control group with a statistical significance level of .05. 2) at pretest phase, critical thinking ability score of the experimental group was 17.37. At posttest phase, critical thinking ability score was 25.40. When the statistical difference was tested with t-test, after taught with the developed instructional model, the experimental group had higher critical thinking ability than before with a statistical significance level of .05.

3) at pretest phase, critical thinking ability score was 16.43. At posttest phase, critical thinking ability score was 21.73. When the statistical difference was tested with t-test, after taught with the developed instructional model, the experimental group had higher critical thinking ability than before with a statistical significance level of .05. and 4) The experimental group had a high level of opinions towards Web-Based Instruction (WBI) for Social Studies Learning Activity Management Based on The Threefold Training with a mean of 4.16.

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How to Cite
Chokdee , P. K. ., & Khongjaroen , K. P. . (2020). Effects of Social Studies Learning Activity Management Based on The Threefold Training on Critical Thinking Ability among Grade 7 Students. Journal of Arts Management, 4(1), 152–165. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jam/article/view/237432
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