The Process of Enhancing the Health of the Elderly

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Phramaha Kraiwan Chinatuttiyo


This paper aimed to study the process of enhancing the health of the elderly, found that The Process of Health Promotion for the elderly by using the threefold training (precepts of meditation). The moral precept presented to promote the elderly to be fully responsible for their duties with regular practice, to strengthen physical and verbal development, to have a proper relationship with the environment, volunteers and donations, etc.  The spiritual meditation presented that it has encouraged the elderly to meditate and between physical health and mental health are very closely connected. Improve your mental toughness by training until you are able to control yourself. The intellect and wisdom promote the elderly to practice to live more carefully, safety precautions, knowing, conscious, self-conscious, self-centered, calm, and more rational. Bring wisdom to guide and control behavior, release from the problem of suffering and find true happiness.

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How to Cite
Chinatuttiyo, P. K. (2019). The Process of Enhancing the Health of the Elderly. Journal of Arts Management, 3(3), 190–204. retrieved from


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