The Development of Meditation for Chronic Illness Children in Chonburi Hospital Using Artificial Activities

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Pataravan Sunnun


The purpose of this research was to (1) develop meditation for chronic illness children in the hospital using artificial intelligence. Learning Center for Chronic Illness Children (2) to compare the development of meditation for children with chronic illness in the hospital using artificial intelligence. Between before and after using the invention activity. The sample consisted of primary school students with chronic illness, Chonburi Hospital. ADHD was acquired by observing the behavior and interviewing five class teachers. Learning Activity Plan Screening for students with ADHD The research found that

  1. Prior to the trial, the naive score / severity score and total score converted to a T-Score overall were classified in the third group that should receive educational assistance. Teachers choppy or doodle, impatient, moody, easy change. Do something without thinking before doing. Do not raise your hand before asking or answering questions, running slow, distracted, distracted, overworked, inadequately cautious, often call or urge, slack, distracted, easy to do, irregular, irresponsible. Do not concentrate on work to do. Short attention span does not work.

  2. After the trial, the nausea / severity score and the total score converted to a T-score were included in the second group. The follow-up group consisted of nausea / vomiting. Easy to change, slow to operate, short-lived, distracted, often called or stimulated.

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How to Cite
Sunnun, P. (2019). The Development of Meditation for Chronic Illness Children in Chonburi Hospital Using Artificial Activities. Journal of Arts Management, 3(1), 1–10. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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