Information Technology Acceptance Factors Affecting Performance Efficiency in the Electronic Tax Invoice and Receipt Systems of the Revenue Department

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Kesorn Kongsumpao


In this research investigation, the researcher examines the impact of the information technology acceptance factors on the performance efficiency of the electronic tax invoice systems used by the accountants in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. A questionnaire was the research instrument to collect data. The sample population consisted of 400 accountants who used the electronic tax invoice systems in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Data were analyzed using t test and F test (one-way ANOVA). The hypothesis test was conducted using the technique of multiple regression analysis with stepwise regression analysis.

Findings showed that information technology acceptance exhibited a positive influence on the performance efficiency of the electronic tax invoice and receipt systems of the Revenue Department in the following order. At the highest level was the perceived ease of use (ꞵ = 0.546). Next in descending order were trust (ꞵ = 0.177) and risk perception (ꞵ = 0.081). They were explanatory of the performance efficiency of the electronic tax invoice systems with the predictive value at 47.50 percent (R Square =  0.475). The research findings will benefit the Revenue Department in raising awareness for information technology acceptance. Public relations can be conducted to show the efficiency of the use of electronic tax invoice systems in order to increase the number of system users. Additionally, the findings can be guidelines for universities to develop programs to produce graduates with the potential to use technology in their performances. 

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