The Influence of Tranformational Leadership Factors Affecting Knowledge Management of Construction Employees In Bangkok.

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Jirapach Pongsunont
Praphan Chaikidurajai


In this research investigation, the researchers examine transformational leadership factors influencing the knowledge management of construction employees in Bangkok. The research population were 396 construction employees using convenience sampling method. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The descriptive statistics consisting of percentage, mean, frequency, and standard deviation and multiple regressionstatistics were employed in data analysis.

Findings showed that: 1) Transformational leadership of construction employees in Bangkok was at a high level (Mean=3.60, S.D.=0.65). 2) Knowledge management of construction employees in Bangkok was at high level (Mean=3.59, S.D.=0.67). 3) The factors of transformational leadership positively influenced knowledge management as follows individualized consideration (β =0.34, p-value = 0.05), intellectual stimulation (β =0.32, p-value = 0.05), inspiration motivation (β =0.20, p-value = 0.05), and idealized influence (β =0.14, p-value = 0.05, respectively. The model could predict knowledge management at 27 percent (R Square = 0.27). The organization should develop inspiration motivation and knowledge adaptation to construction employees aged 25-30 years at a staff level and bachelor’s degree level to ensure a higher level of knowledge management efficiency.

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