The Design of Decision-Making Tool for Production Planning: A Case Study of a Community Enterprise Group Production Organic Mangosteen Juice
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In this research investigation, the researchers examine an appropriate forecasting method for the sales of organic mangosteen juice. This is to create the decision-making policy with maximum benefits and to create a production decision-making policy that accounts for uncertainty and risk for the production planning for organic mangosteen juice of the Khao Chamao District Community Enterprise Group in Huai Thap Mon subdistrict, Khao Chamao district, Rayong province.
The researchers used the forecasting techniques and the decision theories, as well as mathematical and statistical instruments as guidelines for production planning. In regard to an estimation of sales, the researchers constructed a trend of the information and found that the sales data followed a 3rd power polynomial trend. The forecast was conducted using a 2nd power polynomial and a 3rd power polynomial. The efficiency was compared using the root-mean-square error (RMSE) criterion.
Findings showed that the forecast using a 3rd power polynomial regression model was in consonance with the monthly sales with the lowest RMSE value. This forecast of sales was then used as a decision-making criterion. It was found that there was no best decision-making criterion. However, entrepreneurs could determine policies for production and decision making using the results of each option. Entrepreneurs could evaluate and compare which option best corresponds to the needs of the community enterprises and the market.
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