Development of Photographic Models with Camera Technology for Students of Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University

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Chalorat Sirikhatkon
Chanya Liewtrakul
Mattana Suttisansuntorn


In this research investigation, the researchers develop 1) a photographic model with camera technology for students at Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University; and evaluate 2) the effectiveness of the model developed. Research methodologies consisted of the following. 1) Studied background information, theories, principles, concepts, and related documents. 2) Developed a photographic model. 3) Experimented with the developed model using camera technology. The sample population consisted of 99 students at Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University who registered for the subject of Principles of Photography. The instruments used in the experiment consisted of an achievement test of the use of a photographic model with camera technology and a questionnaire eliciting student satisfaction with the photographic model using camera technology. The statistics used in data analysis were mean and standard deviation. The technique of paired samples t test was also employed. 

          Findings are as follows. 1) The new photographic model with camera technology for the students under study consisted of the following components: setting the image files; opening the image frame; adjusting the focus; using the HDR, AI system, and adjusting the image zoom distance. 2) The effectiveness of the model developed was higher after using the shooting exercises. The new photographic model technology using smartphones is fast and convenient. The photographic elements can be arranged. The image resolution is as good as previous models. It saves the cost of buying a camera. Recommendations are as follows. The photographic techniques using camera technology can be applied in the instruction and study for students or can be offered as short courses for those who are interested in applying the model in their daily life.

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