Lanna Proverb Folklore Used for Improving the Quality of Life

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Benjapak Charoenmahavit


In this research investigation, the researcher examines the folklore of the type of Lanna proverbs used for improving the quality of life. The study was conducted using the techniques of documentary research and in-depth interview with five knowledgeable persons or local wisemen.

            Findings show that Lanna proverb folklore is influenced by belief, faith, and the engagement that Lanna people have towards Buddhism. Buddhist preachings continue to be deeply rooted in the souls of Lanna people. Buddhist principles reflect the proverbs Lanna people adhere to and tightly practice. Lanna proverbs used for improving the quality of life are in the following four aspects. 1) Proverbs used for improving attitudes, understanding the world, and rational thinking consist of 239 proverbs. 2) Proverbs used for improving living conditions, skills, and wisdom consist of 125 proverbs. 3) Proverbs used for improving social relations, personality, adaptation, public mind, beliefs, creeds, and religion consist of 84 proverbs. 4) Proverbs used for improving identity, preserving traditions, culture, language, conserving antiques, and pride in self-identity consist of 53 proverbs.

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