A Study of Online Buying Decision for Merit Offering Sets Using Conjoint Analysis: A Case Study of Merci dé Fleurs

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Chichcha Patharasophonvorakul
Snitnuth Niyomsin
Teerapong Pinjisakikool


In this research investigation, the researchers examine customers’ online buying decisions for merit offering sets using the technique of conjoint analysis in the aspects of price, patterns of merit offering sets, decorations, and promotions. The research instrument was an online questionnaire. Research population consisted of Merci dé Fleurs customers. The sample population consisted of 120 subjects. Findings showed that members of the sample population paid attention to the decorations of the merit offering sets at the highest level, especially decorations with ribbons. Next in descending order was price. The price of 799 was the price customers were pleased to pay at the highest level. Next was the pattern of merit offering sets. Customers preferred to buy ready-made sets. The last one in the order was promotion. The promotion most interested in was free delivery. In addition, the relationship of decision making using the Pearson’s correlation statistics found the following. The more attention was paid to decorations, the less attention was paid to price, merit offering sets, and promotion. Customers could be divided into five groups based on the characteristics of decision making. This research would directly benefit Merci dé Fleurs to determine the characteristics of merit offering sets, price, and marketing promotion activities

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