Confirmatory Factor Analysis of a Performance Evaluation Model of Community Enterprises

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Supawadee Sutthiruk
Somnuk Lirdkaew


In this research investigation, the researchers conduct (1) a second-order confirmatory factor analysis of a performance evaluation model of community enterprises in Surat Thani province; and test (2) the congruence of the performance evaluation model of the enterprises under study and the empirical data. The sample population consisted of 390 community enterprises in Surat Thani province using the techniques of stratified and purposive sampling. Data were collected from the executives of community enterprises. The performance evaluation model of the community enterprises under study was analyzed using the technique of second-order confirmatory factor analysis.

The four-component confirmatory factor analysis of the performance evaluation model of community enterprises in Surat Thani province found the following. The component weight in the second-order confirmatory factor analysis at the statistically significant level of 0.01 exhibited the component weight in the following descending order: (1) internal process; (2) learning and growth; (3) customers; and (4) finance with the values of 0.968, 0.884, 0.851, and 0.774. The performance evaluation model of community enterprises exhibited congruence with the empirical data and could be used in the evaluation of the performance of community enterprises

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