A Staff Training Management System: A Case Study of the Female Surgical Ward at Songklanagarind Hospital

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Jatuporn Jirandorn


In this research investigation, the researcher investigates guidelines for the development of a staff training management system and satisfaction with the use of the staff training management system: a case study of the female surgical ward at Songklanagarind Hospital. The researcher studied and developed a system using the system development life cycle (SDLC) beginning with the data collection process, moving on to system analysis, system design, system development, system testing, and user satisfaction assessment. The instruments used in the system development were PHP, HTML, Java Script, and MySQL, respectively. The user satisfaction assessment found that the highest proportion of the system users exhibited satisfaction at the highest level with the overall use of the system. The satisfaction analysis in each aspect showed that all three aspects were at the highest level. System users exhibited satisfaction in the aspect of system stability at the same level as the aspect of system advantages. The users under study exhibited satisfaction with the system design slightly less than other aspects.

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