The Influence of Romance of the Three Kingdoms in Thai Political Context

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Wisaruta Pidtanung


        In this research investigation of the influence of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the researcher examines 1) the development of the interpretation of the novel under study as it appeared in the Thai political context; investigates 2) an application of the novel for Thai political interest; and studies 3) the factors fostering the influence of the novel under investigation in the Thai political context. In this qualitative research, the researcher employed the techniques of documentary research and in-depth interviews.

        Findings are as follows: 1) The development of the interpretation of the novel under study has been modified based on the context of social, cultural, economic, and political structures. 2) The novel under investigation has been applied in various aspects i.e. politics, economy, art, and performing arts. 3) The factors fostering the influence of the novel under study consist of both external and internal factors of the novel itself.

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