The Role and Duties of Mediators in the Restorative Justice Process of the Juvenile and Family Court

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Maneerat Chuencharoen


        In this research investigation, the researcher examines and analyzes the roles and duties of mediators in the restorative justice process of the Juvenile and Family Court.

         Findings show that mediators in the Juvenile and Family Court are associate judges who facilitate and mediate conflicts in a restorative justice process. They are called facilitators. Prior to a meeting, facilitators must coordinate and facilitate the parties in the appointment of the date, time, and location of the meeting. During the meeting facilitators conduct the meeting so both parties can talk and make agreements in order to reach plans for the rehabilitation of children and young persons. Facilitators must follow up the performance and provide the conclusion to make reports. It can be considered that facilitators play roles and duties in facilitating both parties in the negotiation and mediating process. Both the injured person and the offender as well as a person affected can discuss regarding the causes of the offence, the effects on the injured person leading to the remedy in the mental aspect, compensation for the damage and the relationship. The facilitators must have the following qualifications. They must attend a training program and have a record as facilitators to formulate plans for the rehabilitation of children and young persons; to remedy the injured persons; and to have registration and the ethics of persons providing counseling. This is to ensure that the negotiation process proceeds with efficiency in accordance with the restorative justice process.

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