Factors influencing Smartphone Addiction Behavior in Generation Y

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Phattrawadee Hong-aek
Lalida Warapianghiang
Julalak Songma
Thitirat Chanesirirattanakorn


        In this research investigation, the researchers examine the relationship between demographic factors, environmental factors, smartphone use behavior, and predictive factors affecting smartphone addiction behavior. The study was conducted on the sample population of 197 generation Y smartphone users using the method of convenient sampling. Data were collected using an online questionnaire. Then the respondents who had smartphone addiction behavior were selected in accordance with Smartphone Addiction Scale.

         Findings showed that the factors affecting smartphone addiction behavior were the environmental factor in the aspect of social influence and the smartphone user behavior factor. The aspects of the period of use per day and the purpose of use positively correlated with smartphone addiction behavior. However, the personal factor in the aspect of self-regulation did not correlate with smartphone use behavior. Three factors could predict smartphone addiction behavior of the members of the sample population. The factor of smartphone use behavior in the aspect of the purpose of use exhibited an efficiency in the explanation or prediction at the highest level at 28.1 percent (β = 0.351). Next in descending order were the environmental factor in the aspect of social influence with an efficiency in the explanation or prediction at 12.0 percent and smartphone use behavior in the aspect of the period of use per day with an efficiency in the explanation or prediction at 5.1 percent.

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