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Mintra Chua-am


This research was conducted with the following objectives: (1) to study the effect of demographic factors on digital currency (Bitcoin) in Thailand; (2) to study awareness of digital currency in Thailand; (3) to study attitudes towards the use of digital currency in Thailand; and (4) to study the use of digital currency in Thailand. The sample group used in this study consisted of 400 participants who used digital currency and were located in Thailand. The main study tool was a questionnaire. Statistics were assessed by percentages, averages and standard deviation. Statistics used to test the hypothesis included the independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA and the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient.
The results demonstrated that most digital currency users were male, single, between the ages of 30 and 39, had an education level of bachelor degree, were business owners or freelancers and had a monthly income of more than 50,000 bahts. In general, digital currency users had positive perceptions towards digital currency in terms of the benefits, the ease of use, the high level of risk and had a positive attitude towards digital currency, especially their knowledge and understanding. Furthermore, it was found that their use of digital currency was at a high level. Users mostly used digital currency for trading and for speculative investment. Users’ recommendation was that the government should control the digital currency and consider reducing the tax on digital currency trading.

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