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Yupa Prachayakul


This article has two objectives: (1) To study the sustainability of Thai political parties from the past to the present. (2) To study the method and contribution of Thai political parties to be political institutions according to democratic system. The research findings were as follows:
1) The context of Thai political parties from the past to the present was considered as a weak organization and not in the political institution profile. This phenomenon was caused by the problem of the Thai political system which does not have a basis of political ideals, little participation by Thai citizens, political parties do not have a clear role occurring between citizen and their government, also problems remain in the contribution for promoting public policies by political party leaders, that shall eventually benefit their own citizens.
2) There is a need to promote a political system that contributes to the political party profile to be the political institution as a democratic system, especially the electoral system which helps the political parties to become strong.

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Research Article


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