Psycho-Aesthetics: The Relationship between Psychological and Aesthetic Awareness Towards The Process of Art Theraphy

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Narinthra K-so
Pitiwat Somthai
Suparirk Kanitwaranun


This research synthesizes an interdisciplinary study of aspects of relational aesthetics and psychoanalytic theories of personal relationships, emotional perception, feelings, world views, and a philosophy of artistic creation through sensory experience, investigating which thought processes are in effect when actual natural perceptions occur, and how they are conveyed. This leads to a process of deconstruction of a body of knowledge about art works, with implications for human relationships. Through application of analysis, this leads to the creation of conceptual and installation art, to aesthetic theory that produces new knowledge with its own aesthetic characteristics and values. The researcher used his knowledge of psychology to create art work used as a tool to address the direct psychological impact of his own experience of emotional instability suffering the loss of a relationship with a loved one. The researcher, as a conceptual artist, is interested in studying and developing conceptual art works that rely on new principles and theories arising from understanding of relational aesthetics and psychiatry, developing conceptual art as an alternative tool in caring for the mentally ill, creating conceptual or installation art that uses physical experimentation to create a space of simulation. This is a cognitive tool, using thought processes to illuminate the relationship between art and a mentally ill patient, a specific method of bringing artistic elements into the patient’s experience, creating an interaction to help in healing and building mental balance.


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How to Cite
K-so, N., Somthai, P., & Kanitwaranun, S. (2023). Psycho-Aesthetics: The Relationship between Psychological and Aesthetic Awareness Towards The Process of Art Theraphy. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 15(1), 163–186. Retrieved from
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