Publication Ethics of Academic Journal for the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Khon Kaen University

            The editor team for the academic journal for the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Khon Kaen University, had set directions, good practices, and the ethnic of publishing academic works to facilitate the work of the journal and related parties. The editor team had assigned the roles and duties for three groups of people, consisting of authors, editors, and peer-reviewers within the publication of journals' regulations, to study, understand, and act according to the following regulations.


 Duties of Authors

1. The author(s)' manuscript must be the work that has not been published elsewhere before.

2. The authors need to ensure that the work was based on the fact from the study, with no altered or false information.

3. The authors must not copy other people's work and should provide references when using or presenting other people's work in their articles.

4. In the case where it was found that the authors had copied others' work or submitted the work that had been published in other journals, the manuscript will be withdrawn, as well as pressing legal charges to the related parties and organization. However, this will be base on the severity of each case.

5. The author(s) must provide the documentation of approval from the IRB of their institution or related organizations if information from people or animals are used in their research.


Duties of Editor

1. The editors' roles are to consider and check all the manuscript that is sent in for publication. The editor will consider whether the content is in line with the objectives and scope of the journals. The editors will conduct the quality evaluation check of the articles before the publication each time.

2. The editors need to refer to academic reasons in reviewing all the articles without bias towards the authors' nationality, race, religion, culture, politics, and the authors' organization.

3. The editors need to process the journal according to the objectives of the journals. The editors also need to consistently improve, develop, and maintain the quality of the journal.

4. During the articles' reviewing process, the editors must never reveal the authors' information and the reviewers to other unrelated people.

5. The editors cannot publish any article within the journal to prevent a conflict of interest.


Duties of Reviewers

1. The experts need to consider the quality of the article as the main importance. The articles should be based on academic principles and rational without personal bias, opinion, and conflict of interest with the authors.

2. The reviewers should not have any conflict of interest with the authors and any other reason that might prevent the reviewers from freely providing their opinions. The reviewers need to inform the editor team and refuse to review those specific articles.

3. The reviewers should review the articles within the fields that they have expertise in. The reviews should be based on the manuscript's quality, not personal opinions without academic references to support their decisions.

4. If the reviewers found parts of the articles containing the same wordings as other work, the reviewers need to inform the editors.

5. The experts should keep the review time according to the designated framework and not reveal the articles' information to non-related people.